My name is Malcolm Cook EFIAP Diamond 2  BPE 3  and my love for photography began 40 years ago. Over the years my zest has continued to grow and I have real passion for capturing an exceptional sky. My journey began with trees, and over the years developed into a wide range from Fungi to Children. I have even photographed the occasional wedding for close friends and family, my daughters included.

However my real love is Landscape photography with an unrivalled drive for capturing that exceptional sky.

Sport photography has come to me in recent years, a much more sociable element where I have managed to achieve immense satisfaction by sharing my images with the sporting participants. Which subsequently led to use of images on the Canoe Slalom website.

As well as taking photographs, my experience has led me into becoming both a judge and a lecturer for the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, and over the past 30 years have been invited to clubs and societies all over the Country.

Back in 1993 I gained my AFIAP status. For this accolade, I had to enter Salon & Exhibitions all over the world to gain acceptance awards. My EFIAP status was achieved in 1996, and for this achievement the acceptance of my work had to be substantially higher than when achieving the AFIAP.

As photography and technology continued to advance I decided to raise my game in 2014, subsequently I achieved my bronze status. Silver status soon followed in 2015, along with gold status in 2016.

I am currently applying for my platinum status which I hope will be confirmed in 2018. To do so, I have successfully achieved 1500 acceptances, 138 awards and some 11 gold medals worldwide.


Good news,   My platinum distinction 2 from fiap has arrived.

Federation Internationale De l Art Photographique

What am I going to do next ? Well it has to be to work on the diamond distinction. To achieve this I need awards only,50 are required for level one.Then to diamond two with 100 awards.  Then on to diamond 3 with 200 more awards'

As you will see from my images, landscapes and skies are my love, however, the judges do not always agree.

I will have to think outside the box and raise my game. By producing dynamic images, but still hold true to my passion


New update  2024 9 December  2843 Acceptances  301Awards and 49 Gold Medals Worldwide 

FIAP Blue badge  plus  Cup for best author in circuit.

If only there were a monetary reward







